• Hornady SP 130gr handload (bullet is Hornady #3020)
• Hornady V-Max 110gr handload (bullet is Hornady #23010)
• Lehigh Defense Maximum Expansion 194gr (01301194L)
• Nosler Ballistic Tip 125gr handload (bullet is Nosler #30125)
• Remington AccuTip 125gr handload
• Speer TNT 125gr handload (bullet is Speer #1986)
• Sierra OTM 220gr handload (bullet is Sierra #2240)
• Sierra Pro Hunter 125gr handload (bullet is Sierra #2120)
Suitability for self-defense
Impact velocities used in this report were obtained from an Oehler System 85 using no velocity corrections. All ballistic gelatin blocks used in this evaluation were nominal 10% ballistic gelatin blocks calibrated in accordance with FBI RFP-OSCU-DSU1704 as follows (FBI RFP-OSCU-DSU1704, page 104, 2017):
"Prior to the utilization of any block of gelatin, validation of the block will be tested to assure consistency of the gelatin mixture. This test consists of firing a .177 caliber steel sphere (BB) into the gelatin block at 590 feet per second (fps) +/- 15 fps. This sphere must penetrate a minimum of 2.95 inches but no more than 3.74 inches ".